Is there a charge for using the portal?
No. After you have completed the registration, the use of the AIS-Portal for flight preparation, as well as the submission of flight plans and all other functions, is free of charge at all times.
I cannot see a shared aircraft or flight plan template. Why?
You may need to log in to the AIS-Portal again to make shared aircraft or flight plan templates visible. Sharing can take a few minutes.
What is the VFReBulletin?
For VFR flights, you can retrieve a route-related NOTAM briefing in the main menu or in the menu on the top left under Flight preparation -> VFReBulletin separately from the process of submitting a flight plan and have it displayed on the chart as well. This can also be saved if desired. To do this, enter a template name under Template name at the very bottom and save it.
Aircraft and flight plan templates
Can I save the aircraft that I use over and over again?
Yes. The primary advantage of the AIS-Portal is that aircraft can be saved for future flight operations. You can find this function in the menu on the top left under Aircraft management. After you have clicked on Create new, follow the steps on screen. Alternatively, you can create a new aircraft directly when submitting a new flight plan.
How can I share saved aircraft with my fellow club members and friends?
Go to Aircraft management in the menu on the top left. There, you can share the aircraft templates with others by clicking on Share template. Please note that this is only possible after marking the desired aircraft under Share and only to people registered on the AIS-Portal. The specified e-mail address must match the address of the recipient stored in the AIS-Portal. It might be necessary to log in again to the AIS-Portal to make shared templates visible. Sharing can take a few minutes.
Can I quickly enter an aircraft very similar to one I have already saved?
Yes. Go to Aircraft management in the menu on the top left. There, you can also copy existing aircraft in the three-item menu under Edit. You can then save the new aircraft under a different name.
Can I quickly enter a flight very similar to one I have already saved?
Yes. Go to Flight plan templates in the menu on the top left. There, you can also copy existing flight plan templates in the three-item menu under Edit. You can then save the new flight under a different name.
Can I save entire flights in the portal?
Yes. Click on Flight plan templates in the menu on the top left. Afterwards, you can create and save flight plans by clicking on Create new flight plan so that you can call them up again and again under FPL - flight plan.
Can I edit already saved flight plan templates?
Yes. Click on Flight plan templates in the top-left menu and edit the desired flight plan template by clicking on the pencil. All changes will also be shown to other users you have shared the flight plan template with.
Can I edit flight plan templates that have been saved already?
Yes. Click on Aircraft management in the top left menu and edit the desired aircraft template by clicking on the pencil. All changes will also be shown to other users you have shared the aircraft template with.
Can I save a flight plan as a template before submitting it?
No. We recommend that you create the flight plan in advance under the menu item Flight plan templates. Here, you can also use the route catalogue and IFPU validation. You can then adapt and use the saved flight plan for a current flight at any time.
Flight planning and flight plan management
How can I file a flight plan in the portal?
To submit a flight plan via the portal, click on the Flight plan icon on the start page and follow the steps. Alternatively, you can also go to the FPL - flight plan tab in the top-left menu under Flight preparation or create a new flight plan directly from a saved aircraft or flight plan template.
I am having difficulty filing a flight plan. How can I get help?
When submitting a flight plan, you will find a question mark beside each free item. After clicking on it, online help will appear. If you have any further questions, you can contact the staff of AIS-C around the clock at +49 (0)6103 707-5500.
My saved route no longer works. Why?
The proposed routes are only valid at the departure time (EOBT) in the flight plan currently being processed. Nevertheless, you can still save these routes as a flight plan template. However, it may be necessary to modify them again due to daily restrictions (such as activation of military training areas). AIRAC changes can also lead to old routes being unusable.
Can I change, delay or cancel a flight plan I have already submitted myself?
You can independently delay and cancel flight plans that have already been submitted. To do this, click on Flight preparation in the menu on the top left and then select CNL - cancellation message or DLA - delay message. Enter the exact dates of your flight plan and press continue. Then, send the message. Unfortunately, you cannot make further changes to the flight plan at the moment. For this purpose, please contact the staff of AIS-C around the clock at +49 (0)6103 707-5500.
I do not receive any route proposals for my Y-/ or Z- flight plan. Why?
To receive a proper route proposal for your Y-/ or Z- flight plan you first must enter at least one waypoint at which you plan to pickup or cancel the IFR parts of your flight. For Example: DCT CHA IFR or RID VFR. Please note that the previously entered desired waypoints may not be part of the proposed routing.
Is it possible to close the flight plan via the portal?
Yes. Go to Flight preparation in the top-left menu and select ARR - arrival message. Enter all data from the flight plan and your actual arrival time. Then press continue and send the message.

Please note that we only accept arrival messages for aerodromes within the Federal Republic of Germany.

How can I create NOTAM briefings and can I save them?
If you want to create a pure NOTAM briefing without an associated flight plan, click on Flight preparation -> NOTAM - briefing in the top-left menu and enter all the relevant data. The NOTAM briefing generated in this process only covers the aerodromes and FIRs you have specified. You can also save this briefing. To do this, enter a template name under Template name at the very bottom and save it.
Can I create a route-specific NOTAM briefing?
Yes. For VFR flights, you will receive this as part of the VFReBulletin after entering a route. In addition, for any flight plan you submit, you can have one e-mailed to you immediately or three hours before EOBT after selecting Request NOTAM briefing.
I do not want some NOTAM to be displayed. Is that possible?
Yes. You can minimise individual NOTAM that you no longer wish to see for 30 days. To do so, click on the triangle in front of the respective NOTAM. The NOTAM will be marked with a red asterisk. The next time a briefing containing this NOTAM is retrieved, it is always minimised.
Can I have NOTAM displayed in German?
No. In Germany, all NOTAM are generally issued in English. If you have any difficulties in interpreting individual NOTAM, you can contact the staff of AIS-C around the clock at +49 (0)6103 707-5500.
Which regulatory requirements must be observed when issuing NOTAMs?
Due to regulatory requirements of Regulation (EU) 2017/373, as amended by Regulation (EU) 2020/469, the AIS-C, as part of the AIS service, is obliged, to inform you that a NOTAM can only be issued for a period of three months. Thus, we would like to draw your attention to the following:
  • NOTAM contents with a planned validity period longer than three months are not issued as NOTAM, but as an AIP supplement to be published by the AIP editorial office at
  • NOTAM contents already issued and unplanned of longer duration than three months are either,
    1. be published as an AIP Supplement to the AIP editorial office at, provided that the condition is expected to continue for a further period of more than three months, or
    2. a replacement NOTAM is issued for a maximum of a further three months.

In addition, in the case of permanent changes to aeronautical publications, within three months of the issuance of a PERM NOTAM the information contained therein on the aeronautical information products concerned shall be published. (For queries/application on this, please contact

Please note that information for incorporation into publications is subject to the editorial deadline in accordance with AIP GEN 3-12. If the lead time is not met, information will be published as NOTAM for the time being and can only be included on the next AIRAC date.

Balloon & Skylantern
When is an air traffic control clearance according to Section 21 of the German Aviation Regulation (LuftVO) required to release balloons?
A clearance is required if the release takes place in the immediate vicinity (control zone) of
  • international airports (such as Frankfurt),
  • regional airports (such as Augsburg)
  • military aerodromes (such as Nordholz)
In addition, a clearance is required if more than 500 balloons are released at the same time, even if the release takes place outside the above-mentioned control zones.
If you are unsure whether at least one of the two criteria applies to your project, we recommend that you submit an online application just in case.
Why can applications for the release of sky lanterns and childrens balloons only be submitted online?
To ensure that the numerous applications for the release of childrens balloons and sky lanterns we receive are processed in time, we have established a more efficient online procedure. Unfortunately, it is therefore no longer possible to send applications or enquiries by e-mail or fax.
What do I need to bear in mind when applying for the release of sky lanterns?
The answer of DFS only concerns aspects of aviation safety for which the competent air traffic control unit is responsible according to Section 29 of the German Aviation Act (LuftVG). The applicant is responsible for compliance with other applicable regulations. This is especially relevant in regard to fire prevention regulations or public safety regulations. The applicant is responsible for any consequences caused by the sky lanterns for public safety and order. The release of sky lanterns is forbidden in most areas of Germany for fire prevention reasons. We therefore ask you to contact the responsible municipal office for public order prior to submitting a request to DFS.
Is it permitted to release balloons that have been treated with luminous paste or fluorescent balloons?
Balloons that have been treated with luminous paste or fluorescent balloons are generally permitted to be released and are subject to the same criteria as regular childrens balloons.
Why are so-called hard objects (such as LEDs) not allowed to be attached to be found within balloons in Germany?
In Germany, it is forbidden to release balloons with sparklers, glow sticks, bend lights, LEDs or similar hard objects. This is based on the German Aviation Act (LuftVG) and the German Aviation Regulation (LuftVO). No exceptions will be permitted. Background: it must be ensured that a released balloon does not cause any damage to or in the engine of a commercial aircraft.
What counts as a hard object?
Hard objects are objects that contain metal, for example, and cannot be incinerated immediately without leaving any residue. LEDs count as hard objects. Commercially available plastic balloon caps, on the other hand, are not considered hard objects and can be used.
What should I do if there are changes to the time, location, etc. after receiving permission/rejection?
In the case of any changes to the application data (such as time or place of release), you can simply submit a new application with the changed data. We will check the data again and you will receive an answer as soon as possible.
I regularly submit applications for releasing childrens balloons or sky lanterns. Is it possible to save recurring data?
Yes, when you register in the AIS-Portal, all contact details will be pre-filled in the application form. Registration is free of charge.
Frequently Asked Questions